Friday, November 28, 2008

India Stops 'live' CNN Transmission. - Good Riddance.

A report just came in -- CNN tells us their "license expired".

That sounds very very suspicious ! -- A behemoth news organization like CNN forgets to renew their license exactly at this point of time ? I do not believe the explanation is so simple !

CNN getting their live transmission cut off serves them right. I have a feeling that was a deliberate move.

Listen out. I had expressed earlier how the CNN reporting was incompetent and downright distasteful and disrespectful. Just take one example -- There were segments where some local city sheriff from New Orleans was grading the performance of the Indian commandos as if it were kindergarten school. Is this what CNN wants to report about ? -- Give me a break ! -- Shame on You CNN.

Someone should ask the narrator -- If the west thinks so highly of their military/intelligence --- Why did it take so many years for the thousands and thousands of western soldiers and all the western technology to battle in Iraq ? Have you met with success there ? Huh ? Did you not learn in all this while -- it is not easy dealing with terrorists ! ?

CNN -- Teach your narrators/hosts something about the world ! Learn to look beyond your own western self.

Even as mumbai is going through tragedy -- all you western media can think of is your own western self ? ?

CNN -- Is this the time to talk about the chinks about how these events are being dealt with ?

CNN -- You are worried about the handful of westerners killed/injured and their lives - Why is there not a single thought provoking segment about the hundreds of Indians killed/injured ?

CNN -- You are reporting about how "Unconfirmed India Sources" believe the attackers could be linked to some other country. Did you every say it was the "Unconfirmed American Sources" who believed the attackers of 9/11 came from Iraq ?

CNN -- Your reporting on the delicate events in mumbai are plain supremist, racist and shamelessly catered to your own viewers/clienteles narrow point of view. Think about it. And pull up your bootstraps.

And yeah - About the tragedy in Mumbai. Remember -- The good shall win. The good always wins.

Jai Hind.

Disclaimer: These are purely personal opinions. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

CNN "International" - Get yourself to be more competent !

The CNN reporting on the Nov 26 Mumbai madness is atrociously incompetent !

Comparing the reports by CNN versus the one by IBN blatantly highlights the vast difference in the reporting quality for correctness, clarity and completeness. All that I hear from CNN are regurgitated irrelevant reports that are far from clear.

To add to the incompetence of their reports the narrators pass doubts about the competence of the India military/Police/Intelligence and keep on repeating how India was offered help from US and UK ?

Some advice for CNN - the incompetent party here happens to be your international reporting team.

Go get a competent international reporting team !

Expecting some confused american reporters/narrators to clearly understand the complexity of what is going on the ground in a country they do not understand is unreasonable.

A good reporter needs to know the country down from their heart and soul to correctly interpret and report events- especially at such tense occasions. You need to be a native to truly understand the gravitas of what is going on. The American reporters/narrators have no idea what is going on - they are just clueless.

You must have a competent local team to truly understand what is going on !

--- Over to IBN now.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Gobama !

Yes we can. Yes We can.

Yes I could ! Yes I could -- tell you so correctly from a long , very loooong time ago !

This one is a different one.
This one is a special one. This one is the one.

Aaah - the pleasant feeling of seeing the right things happen at the right time.

There is hope. There will be hope.

This event in time would definitely be a turning point in world history. No doubts.