What do people think ? Why do they think? How does what they think affect what they think ?
Thinking is such a complex topic to talk about. Even when i think about talking on thinking, I am actually thinking about thinking.
What is a thought? Is it some neurons that are fired randomly in the brain ? Is it a physical phenomenon ? Or would you atrribute to it some meta-physical value ?
Can some-one stop from thinking ? But if that person has stopped thinking, how does he know that he has stoped thinking ? Can someone 'think' he is not 'thinking'.
Think about this question - what is it really like - to meditate ? Meditation is described as 'directing your thought' rather than 'absence of thoughts'. [ The Bhagavad Gita and the Vedas does talk about "directing your thoughts" towards the concept of bramhan. ]
But consider why we need not 'think' this way ? If you are directing your thought only in one direction, then doesnt that mean that you are NOT truly understanding the world in its "entirety" ? Are you not missing so many things ? Arent you becoming a vegetable ?
Was not the concept of "brahman" founded in some human thought ? It is ironic that the "concept of brahman" would have not even originated had it not been for someone "thinking" of different things - thinking of Brahman. Then why do "Yogis" "think" of GOD and only GOD ?
Could it be that it is wrong to "direct your thoughts" and it is more appropriate to just "let your thoughts be " ? Say, Forget brahman. Forget everything else. Forget all rules. Just let your thoughts explore.
May be the only reason the ancient people "invented" the concept of brahman was because "exploration" of thoughts causes bewilderment in people. It causes them to explore new things, which in turn leads to them to being scared. There is this inherent human nature to detest anything that is "new" and unexplored and be afraid of it. ( I could totally diverge the topic to "why is it 'not ok' to be scared, but i will spare you from that for now. )
Could it be that after the experience gained by these "scary experiences" - humans decided that it was better to "categorize" and to "limit" the knowledge of what they see and what they feel feel. That could be why humans need to insist on the concept of a central "GOD". Something universal but constant. Just so that the mind has this one direction that it thinks it is leading to - the mind is no longer bewildered into "ever-new" or the "nothing".
But may be we are just fooling ourselves ?
Consider this - GOD would never have been born, had us humans not thought of him. So doesnt that mean WE ARE THE CREATORS ? We created GOD in our minds - through our thoughts ! We created this perception of the world that we have !
Doesnt that lead you to the conclusion that "the human thought is the real GOD - the real CREATOR " ?
Hmmmm ...but wasnt this all "thought" by me ?
Enough of meta-meta-thinking ... back to my mundane existence :)
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