Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rest in Peace - a selfish world.

What happened in Blacksburg, Virginia some days back was a horrible and shocking incident. My condolences to the deceased.

The reaction that I saw in the media and on the internet after that though - is something I fail to comprehend.

Why are the deaths of these 32 people being blown out of proportion ?
Do not hundreds of people die everyday ? Are not hundreds of people killed in Kashmir, in the Middle East - while we sleep cosily in our houses ? Do not thousands die in Africa out of hunger while we eat our McDonald burgers ?

Why are these deaths mere statistics to us - while the 32 who died in Virginia Tech hailed as heroes ?

The reason, I believe - is that humans have become too selfish. They do not grieve for the dead. They are just vicariously looking at the dead and hoping that they do not get into the same situation.

They know that they will not be killed in Kashmir. They know that they will not die of hunger in Africa. However, they could be walking in a campus or a superstore and get shot at by lunatics. And that really scares them. They are just selfish about their own well-being.

If we people were so genuinely compassionate about the suffering of fellow human beings - we would know that there is far greater suffering in the world than what we saw at Virginia Tech.

This post does not say that what happened in Virginia Tech was forgivable. Not the least. All I am saying is - please learn to put things in a proper perspective !

If there can be so much hue and cry about the deaths at Virginia Tech, We could also write articles about people killed in Kashmir and the middle East. We could raise awareness of people dying in Africa. We could do so many more things for the benefit of humanity.

We should raise concerns about humanity as a whole - not just about things that could only affect us.

If we want to claim to be good human beings - we should stop being selfish !

Just some food for thought.


233 people were killed in Iraq today, and I do not see any one even raising an eyebrow. No CNN headlines - no countless blogs - no orkut communities. What hollow people we have become !


Amit said...

"All I am saying is - please learn to put things in a proper perspective !"

Amen. That's what counts most.

Unknown said...

People being killed in Kashmir, Iraq or Africa.. its happening over a long period of time. now where is the novelty in that brother? and lunatic loose gunman on campus.. get me on camera.. these things dont happen everyday. so media will jump on it and it should. afterall it happened in an average joe's american town. so no need to be harsh on media. atleast american media. its their country, their media. they will chose what they want to show.
"The reason, I believe - is that humans have become too selfish"
well dont you think we were selfish, are selfish and will remain so. why worry about what we are becoming when we are like that for ever.
keep the good work

SurAj said...

@ Amit - Amen !

@ Ketan - I Agree with what you say.

I however do not buy the argument that it is OK for the media to be biased.

The media is the most powerful force in todays world , and I think it is time that the media starts acting responsibly, maturely and in an unbiased way !

About your last argument - I believe it is better to be pro-active rather than resigned.

Tachyoson said...

i think that the occurrences of people being blown up in Kashmir, in Iraq , in Israel - by faceless , illogical fanatics - that is something beyond the average human's capacity for comprehension - nothing you CAN do about it directly.

The VT killings are an incident within our limited ability to grasp things , in a world spiralling rapidly out of control. Gun Control IS a doable thing.counselling a psychotic loner IS a doable thing.
all in the short term. because we are too caught up in the daily nittygritties of life to devote any more effort.

trying to change the mindset of thousands and millions with ideologies which seem alien to us
takes time. something which we all lack. heck, we dont even have time to keep up with the people we ARE close to.

in our tears for the 32, let us weep for the 32 thousand, the 3.2 million who have died, needlessly.and anonymously.and alone.

SurAj said...

@ Tachyoson : I agree - most of us have time/ability/energy to think only about things that affect us and only us.

Isn't that what my post says anyways ?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

mate-Well said!....My condolences to those dead at Virgina Tech....
...All this out of proporting stuff coz of the media (as you said). TV news channels are becoming increasingly preposterous day by day!!! With nearly dozens of news channels broadcasting 24 hrs a day, everybody wants to go out for their share of TRPs..and thats where they show things which are popular or would be popular with people..rather than concentrating on sensible worldly news...which of course wouldn't be watched by most....Your update on IRAQ - How many people would have bothered to watch it on TV?I guess only a few....Why? just because bombings in Iraq has become usual...really news that carries some 'masala' becomes news these days! Really shit but true isnt it?

SurAj said...

@ Rohan : Yes buddy - the media sucks big time. Hopefully - As people become aware how they are being fooled by the media, they will learn to do a better job.

Fingers crossed !

Rohan Zanje said...

Thought of dropping comment but then ended-up posting in my space.

The only disagreement, I would have here is the caption. Shouldn't it be "Selfish MEDIA World".

SurAj said...

@ Rohan: Yes, I had given that a thought.

My take is that the media can only be partially blamed.

If 9 out of 10 people wanted to know about hungry African Kids - the media would have no choice but to raise concerns about hungry African Kids.

It is the general population that cares only about its own concerns - the media is just a tool.

Hope the media starts maturing and starts raising pressing global issues rigorously.

This will happen only as realization dawns on the masses.

Mitesh said...

I think this link will explain you exactly what you are trying to address:

SurAj said...

@ Mitesh:

yes. And that is a great link. Thanks!